Something not Special for All of Us

Friday 2 August 2019



 First of all, HI☆ 

        I want to start with introducing myself! I am Skullbery and yes, it's my nickname. *Maybe, I will publish my name the next time. Also, it's my first attempt to write something as a blogger. I'm an university student in the World and I'm trying to pass my courses as soon as possible. 

          Nowadays, I have started to learn Italian and it's a little bit hard for me. I learned French in high school - not really - but the grammers are kinda similar. By the way, I like to learning foreign languages and different cultures , from Europe to Asia. 

          Actually, I will try to write about everything from traveling to art. I hope everyone having fun!~

          If I have to be honest, I don't know why I had started to writing something in here. I don't have any plan to improve this blog and really, I will just write something not special for all of us. 
         ** I'm really sorry that it is too short. But *quick remind* it is my first time! 
         *** If you have question to me, you can write as a commend.

Kanagawa Oki Nami Ura - Hokusai 

*Gift of today's post* Damien Rice- The Blower's Daughter

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