Something not Special for All of Us

Friday 20 November 2020



          I know nobody is waiting for me to share something but if someone is waiting for my post, then I'd be happy for her/him because I AM BACK!! I hope I can find time to share something in here because I miss it, really. I hope everybody is healthy and happy. There was no CORONA VIRUS when I shared my last post in here. Good (g)old days! 

        Anyway, I am here and I am healthy (ehehe :') . Nowadays, I'm too busy as a student and it is really sad for me. I want to expand the time so I can do whatever I want because now I'm just doing the school stuffs and it is REALLY  boring.

        Actually, I'm doing something that really enjoyable for me. WHAT IS THAT?! Taking photos, yeeey! I'm using Canon 4000d and it is really good for beginners (like me ^^) but it is little bit heavy to carry it all day! And another new thing about me: compact camera!!!! I got a compact camera which is second hand Kodak s300md. I started with this camera because it is so basic and easy to carry it with me. Also, I got my first results from the camera but... IT IS TOO BAD :((

      Most of the photos are not seen in the film because of the lack of light and it was super disappointment for me. Also, I used an old film which is produced in 2006 and I guess it was one of reason that the results. 

        Even though, I am so glad to start taking photos and using old cameras because the feeling is more than enough for me to continue. 


                                                    Click to listen :)

                                                   Angèle - La thune 

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